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What will we learn?
Hello and thank you very much for enrolling!
Welcome to your new course. My name is Attila and I am your instructor for this MasterClass. If you have any questions at any time during this course, feel free to email me at [email protected]
You can also find me on YOUTUBE and INSTAGRAM for a lot more content and even some free downloads of sample packs and Ableton templates! (Although social media is great to interact with each other, I would strongly advise not to send a DM, especially with important inquiries, because DMs may not reach me in time, if at all)
Make sure to keep an eye on this text section, as from time to time you will find some useful additional information here. There will also be a comment section on the bottom of the page with some videos, where you'll be able to leave your thoughts and have discussions with your instructor and other students. So go ahead and test it out by introducing yourself at the bottom of this video ..only if you want, of course ;)
IF YOU GOT THIS COURSE BECAUSE YOU PURCHASED THE PML EVERYTHING PACK, but you're not really interested in the subject of working with hardware, I still suggest you check out at least some of the videos. I can guarantee you'll find at least a few tips and tricks in there that'll be more than useful, PLUS you never know..you might just end up reconsidering your position about producing with hardware gear ;)
Enjoy the course!